Deploying docker image on ECS


We have pushed the docker image to ECR and trying to deploy on ECS. We have written CloudFormation template to deploy the docker image and attached load balancer to that. But it's not creating target group and load balancer. Can you please check my template and provide me the solution?

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: CloudFormation template for deploying an app using Fargate with EBS storage.

Parameters: VPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id Default: vpc-0e7fa5b1456919151 SubnetA: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id Default: subnet-0468bc81339a8e324 SubnetB: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id Default: subnet-00e833287b978988c SecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id Default: sg-03b50fd0ea26b5343 Image: Type: String Default: ServiceName: Type: String Default: MyService ContainerPort: Type: Number Default: 8080

Resources: Cluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterName: !Join ['', [!Ref ServiceName, Cluster]]

TaskDefinition: Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition Properties: NetworkMode: awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities: - FARGATE Cpu: '4096' Memory: '16384'

  ExecutionRoleArn: !GetAtt ExecutionRole.Arn
  TaskRoleArn: !GetAtt TaskRole.Arn
    - Name: !Ref ServiceName
      Image: !Ref Image
        - ContainerPort: !Ref ContainerPort
      Essential: true
    SizeInGiB: 150

ExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Join ['', [!Ref ServiceName, ExecutionRole]] AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' ManagedPolicyArns: - 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy'

TaskRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Join ['', [!Ref ServiceName, TaskRole]] AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'

FargateService: Type: AWS::ECS::Service Properties: Cluster: !Ref Cluster LaunchType: FARGATE ServiceName: munlq-service DesiredCount: 1 TaskDefinition: !Ref TaskDefinition NetworkConfiguration: AwsvpcConfiguration: AssignPublicIp: ENABLED SecurityGroups: - !Ref SecurityGroup Subnets: - !Ref SubnetA - !Ref SubnetB DeploymentConfiguration: MaximumPercent: 200 MinimumHealthyPercent: 100 DeploymentCircuitBreaker: Enable: true Rollback: true LoadBalancer: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer Properties: Name: !Join ['', [!Ref ServiceName, LoadBalancer]] Scheme: internet-facing Subnets: - !Ref SubnetA - !Ref SubnetB SecurityGroups: - !Ref SecurityGroup # Type: application # IpAddressType: ipv4 # LoadBalancerAttributes: # - Key: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds # Value: '60'

TargetGroup: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup Properties: Name: !Join ['', [!Ref ServiceName, TargetGroup]] Port: !Ref ContainerPort Protocol: HTTP VpcId: !Ref VPC TargetType: ip

Listener: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener Properties: DefaultActions: - Type: fixed-response FixedResponseConfig: ContentType: text/plain MessageBody: 'Hello from muNLQ' StatusCode: '200' LoadBalancerArn: !Ref LoadBalancer Port: 80 Protocol: HTTP

ListenerRule: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule Properties: Actions: - Type: forward TargetGroupArn: !Ref TargetGroup Conditions: - Field: path-pattern Values: ['/'] ListenerArn: !Ref Listener Priority: 1

1 Answer

There is a setting called "LoadBalancers" in "AWS::ECS::Service".
So I think the container will be tied to the ALB by modifying the ECS section as follows.

    Type: AWS::ECS::Service 
    DependsOn: Listener
      Cluster: !Ref Cluster 
      LaunchType: FARGATE 
        - TargetGroupArn: !Ref TargetGroup
          ContainerPort: 8080
          ContainerName: test
      ServiceName: munlq-service 
      DesiredCount: 1 
      TaskDefinition: !Ref TaskDefinition 
          AssignPublicIp: ENABLED 
            - !Ref SecurityGroup 
            - !Ref SubnetA 
            - !Ref SubnetB 
        MaximumPercent: 200 
        MinimumHealthyPercent: 100 
          Enable: true 
          Rollback: true 
profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Thank you for your answer. I am facing another issue while creating the listener. Can you please check my template and provide me the correct solution?

    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: CloudFormation template for deploying an app using Fargate with EBS storage.

    Parameters: VPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id Default: vpc-0e7fa5b1456919151 SubnetA: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id Default: subnet-0468bc81339a8e324 SubnetB: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id Default: subnet-00e833287b978988c SecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id Default: sg-03b50fd0ea26b5343 Image: Type: String Default: ServiceName: Type: String Default: MyService ContainerPort: Type: Number Default: 8080

    Resources: Cluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterName: !Join ['', [!Ref ServiceName, Cluster]]

    TaskDefinition: Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition Properties: NetworkMode: awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities: - FARGATE Cpu: '4096' Memory: '16384' ExecutionRoleArn: !GetAtt ExecutionRole.Arn TaskRoleArn: !GetAtt TaskRole.Arn ContainerDefinitions: - Name: !Ref ServiceName Image: !Ref Image PortMappings: - ContainerPort: !Ref ContainerPort Essential: true EphemeralStorage: SizeInGiB: 150

    ExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role

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