putobjects getobjects


Unable to write file at location: img/WO2jxqo9C9lu5FZ1sNTmDAARMpg8q8-metaZHJvbmFMb2dvLnBuZw==-.png. Error executing "PutObject" on "http://dronaaz-dev.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/img/WO2jxqo9C9lu5FZ1sNTmDAARMpg8q8-metaZHJvbmFMb2dvLnBuZw%3D%3D-.png"; AWS HTTP error: Client error: PUT http://dronaaz-dev.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/img/WO2jxqo9C9lu5FZ1sNTmDAARMpg8q8-metaZHJvbmFMb2dvLnBuZw%3D%3D-.png resulted in a 400 Bad Request response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Error><Code>AccessControlListNotSupported</Code><Message>The bucket does not all (truncated...) AccessControlListNotSupported (client): The bucket does not allow ACLs - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error><Code>AccessControlListNotSupported</Code><Message>The bucket does not allow ACLs</Message><RequestId>XPA0994SC0ARB9GM</RequestId><HostId>cLlw0WhNN+jBdnVzZF5rQQ4iyfpaBtkOXNnpG3azkJpju4zeuoS1LFqteoVz5lnhoy19DZX937LeQsqGWTgTww==</HostId></Error>

getting this error when i try to store/retrive objects through (https://drona-app.zysk.tech/admin) this url how can i fix this..

asked 8 months ago196 views
1 Answer


From the error looks like the ACLs are not enabled for the bucket. Go to the concerned bucket, under Permissions tab, scroll down to "Object Ownership" and check if ACLs enabled option is selected, if not, please do so and proceed with your tests. Just wanted to also add that, using a bucket policy instead of ACLs is a recommended best practice to share data with users outside of your account simplify permissions management and auditing. Please see this for more information - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/security-best-practices.html

answered 8 months ago

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