Pinpoint SMS optout / opt back in


Is there anyway that an endpoint can opt themselves back in after having sent the STOP keyword?

asked 6 months ago345 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Yes, Only if you use Self-managed Opt-outs with Pinpoint. “By default, when a customer sends a message that begins with HELP or STOP to one of your dedicated numbers, Amazon Pinpoint automatically replies with a customizable message. In the case of incoming STOP messages, Amazon Pinpoint also opts the customer out of receiving future SMS messages. If you prefer to manage HELP and STOP responses by using a service other than Amazon Pinpoint, you can enable self-managed opt-outs.” This typically involves a Lambda that triggers a response instead of Pinpoint automatically responding.

answered 6 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 6 months ago

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