GUI Are Becoming More Inaccessible


I've noticed in a few AWS services recently, such as cognito, that the UI is not registering click events on interactive content. Frustrating but not a huge deal. But now in Billing, same issue. And this is not cool at all.

It seems the only way to submit a ticket is to upgrade a support plan- nice move, AWS! But I'm not going to and will ask, how do I render the Billing console GUI operable??

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

Not sure if this helps in your case, but over the years I've had increasing numbers of AWS console pages have trouble with our enterprise firewall's blocking of WebSocket. Not so much an issue with the pages themselves (they are just being enriched with interactive content) as with our firewall rules.

So if you do have a firewall in play you could try bypassing it or connecting from another location.

answered a year ago

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