Amazon Connect realtime transcription in CCP


I have a customer who wants to display real-time transcription in the CCP (Contact Control Panel) for Amazon Connect.

Currently, we have real-time transcription enabled in our flows, but I am unable to figure out how to show the transcript in the CCP.

The transcript displays immediately in the After Call screen.

I have reviewed an implementation but it does not seem to provide anything in the CCP or a way to view the real-time transcript. (

Do you have any suggestions or examples of solutions?

2 Answers

You cannot view the real-time transcription in the default CCP. However, if you are using custom CCP then you can show write code to display real-time transcription. You can find a sample implementation here

answered 7 months ago
  • Thank you for sharing. As the guide mentions, we can successfully see the transcript when the call ends (ACW). What I am looking for is to see this during the call.

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