Amazon Location Services API used in a Web based application is giving CSP issues


I'm having issues accessing my Amazon Location Services API in the Web application. I see CSP errors for utilizing the API in front end.

Refused to load the image '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' https://*". Note that 'img-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.

main.js:32618 Profile: {at_hash: 'bxa4JNzdV6IH3FqBUPjLAQ', sub: 'd3f3ef3b-a6e5-43a8-9f4a-90c22eff9e70', cognito:groups: Array(1), custom:WORKFLOW-DEV: '["workflow-dev"]', iss: '', …} main.js:32733 isAuthenticated in app.js: true main.js:33039 Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'". Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback.

(anonymous) @ main.js:33039 commitHookEffectListMount @ main.js:22069 commitPassiveHookEffects @ main.js:22107 callCallback @ main.js:2526 invokeGuardedCallbackDev @ main.js:2575 invokeGuardedCallback @ main.js:2630 flushPassiveEffectsImpl @ main.js:25191 unstable_runWithPriority @ main.js:28022 runWithPriority$1 @ main.js:13377 flushPassiveEffects @ main.js:25158 performSyncWorkOnRoot @ main.js:24075 (anonymous) @ main.js:13427 unstable_runWithPriority @ main.js:28022 runWithPriority$1 @ main.js:13377 flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl @ main.js:13422 flushSyncCallbackQueue @ main.js:13410 flushPassiveEffectsImpl @ main.js:25221 unstable_runWithPriority @ main.js:28022 runWithPriority$1 @ main.js:13377 flushPassiveEffects @ main.js:25158 (anonymous) @ main.js:25037 workLoop @ main.js:27966 flushWork @ main.js:27921 performWorkUntilDeadline @ main.js:27533 Map:11 Refused to load the image '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data:".

How to solve these.

Also is there a feature to select a point on map and draw a circle with it highlighting the cities in the circle

asked 4 months ago108 views
1 Answer

It appears your CSP is only allowing "Self" as you are also struggling to load other resources such as Maplibre and internal Amazon resources. Please double check your CSP in your browser or application to ensure it's allowing the proper locations.

answered 4 months ago
  • Should we initially get the AppSec approvals to add external resources in application CSP

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