Unable to login into EC2 instance


Hi, We have an EC2 instance named work node 5 (darshan) bearing instance ID as i-0cef541d41d9c832a , instance type as c7g.2xlarge and the user is unable to login into this machine. Error is "access denied". Even after rebooting the system, we are unable to login. Can you please help?

This is the error which we are getting

Error while using session manager

asked a year ago458 views
2 Answers

Hi, your screenshot shows that you're using Instance Connect . It has some prereqs that you must satisfy for it to work: see for all details https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ec2-instance-connect-troubleshooting

The most frequent issue is incorrect security group not allowing inbound ssh via the Instance Connect terminal. So, you sec group must have an inbound rule allowing tcp port 22.

Additional details here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Connect-using-EC2-Instance-Connect.html

Hope it helps, Didier

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • HI Didier thank you for your reply. we were using this machine with SSM till 1 hour back, suddenly this type error started which is attached in screenshot. we try to check using instance connect but that also not helped.

    But our interest is to resolve SSM issue. Thanks

  • Many instances are unable to connect and few have issues like "No space left on the disk" and other machines don't have any specific errors? Can you please help to give some pointers on how to investigate. We tried to increase the volume size to fix "No space left of the disk" error, but it didn't help.


Does it work with EC2 instance connect?

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answered a year ago
  • No, we are unable to connect from EC2 instance connect as well, as shown in the above screenshot attached with the case

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