Most accurate way to measure the replica lag in RDS Postgres


I have an RDS instance with Postgres 13 as the DB engine. I also have a read replica created with the same instance class as that of the source database and configured my application to route the read traffic to the replica. Now when I see 'ReplicaLag' parameter in CloudWatch, it shows a delay of anywhere between 5 to 10 seconds, which is too high and is impractical for our solution. But if I insert a record in primary and do a select on that record within a second from the replica, I could successfully fetch the record. This means that the lag is not really 5 to 10 seconds? Then I came across this article from AWS where they state the following:

If no user transactions are running on the source DB instance, the associated PostgreSQL read replica reports a replication lag of up to five minutes. The replica lag is calculated as currentTime - lastCommitedTransactionTimestamp, which means that when no transactions are being processed, the value of replica lag increases for a period of time until the write-ahead log (WAL) segment switches. By default RDS for PostgreSQL switches the WAL segment every 5 minutes, which results in a transaction record and a decrease in the reported lag.

So this means 'ReplicaLag' metric is not trustworthy all the time. And yes, my use case does not involve too many writes, so it is a possibility that the replica lag I'm seeing with the above metric is not really a 'lag'. And the same article suggests me to rather monitor the lag from the DB level with the following SQL: SELECT extract(epoch from now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp()) AS "ReplicaLag";. But I always get NULL as the output and I am confused if it means that there is no lag or there's something wrong with the query.

I also came across OldestReplicationSlotLag in CloudWatch and that is always shown as zero.

I am in search of a straightforward and reliable metric that can give me a realistic picture of lag between my source and replica database.

2 Answers

I'm not sure if it perfectly applies to this case, but I found the following knowledge, so could you check it?
Normally, The most common reasons for increase in the replica lag are the following:

  • Configuration differences between the primary and replica instances
  • Heavy write workload on the primary instance
  • Transactions that are running for a long time
  • Exclusive lock on primary instance tables
  • Corrupted or missing WAL file
  • Network issues
  • Incorrect parameter setting
  • No transactions

Why do I have replication lags and errors in my RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance?

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Thanks, but I have gone through this and before I dig further in, I want to make sure that I am using the correct metric to measure the lag and that's what my question is about.



You may try to get the delay in bytes (not in ms, sorry) from the origin side by using pg_xlog_location_diff to compare the origin's pg_current_xlog_insert_location with the replay_location for that backend's pg_stat_replication entry.

Look at this article for more details:



profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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