rekognition JobId ResourceNotFoundException



I used the NodeJS AWS SDK v3 to create Face Detection Jobs on AWS Recognition.
I created a bunch of jobs a week ago.

Now when I try to fetch the faces found in the job, I am getting a JobId ResourceNotFoundException.

What I tried before posting this post :

  • I made sure that the JobId is correct
  • I tried every region of AWS

My feeling is that jobs expire over time. Is this a thing ?
Or are job available for ever ?

I hope some of you had the same problems :)

asked 3 years ago585 views
1 Answer

Amazon Rekognition retains the results for a video analysis operation for 7 days. You will not be able to retrieve the analysis results after this time. Once a job is complete, you can get the output of video analysis using Get* API and store it in a data store such as S3 bucket for later usage. More details on the Get operation can be found here -

answered 3 years ago

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