Deploying my website (not static)



I am totally new here. I need for my school to deploy my website: Frontend is typescript, Backend is Django python. I use docker to make it run. I tried to create an EC2 instance but I think because it was a t3.micro it stalled and crashed when I tried to docker-compose up. I wanted to know if there were a better way maybe to deploy my website (by using an other service) and if not then what should I use to make it run southerly ?

  • Maybe lightsail will be easier to manage for you if this is something small.

asked a year ago229 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello, There are various ways you can host your dockerized application on AWS -

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS ECS (Fargate)

For the frontend, consider deploying it separately from the Django app, such as on S3 + CloudFront.

Here is a link for your help -


answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed a year ago

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