Access to specific DNS from EC2


We have a VPC with Internet access. Within the VPC we have an EC2 which does not allow internet access using the Security Group. We wish to allow specific DNS to be reachable from this EC2 (Egress). What are the possible options?

Essentially, looking for DNS filtering at the EC2 egress and not at the VPC.

The reason for specific DNS is that the IP associated with the DNS can change and we prefer not having a logic to dynamically update the security group.

1 Answer

Have you thought about using Route53 Resolver DNS Firewall to do this?

Either way, you still have to allow the EC2 talk to a DNS Server and that in turn will allow recursive DNS queries.

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thanks, I will go through it. After reading the first paragraph, it appears to be at the VPC level. But will go through it in detail.

    "It can also block requests for public or private Amazon EC2 instance names." -> This seems promising, will have a more detail reading sometime later today.

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