Fetch hardware details(Physical Ram, Number of Cores, Operating System) of a RDS(Postgresql, Aurora) instance


Fetch hardware details(Physical Ram, Number of Cores, Operating System) of an RDS(Postgresql, Aurora) instance. There are APIs to check the details of CPU usage, Memory usage, etc. But, the use case which I want to achieve is not the amount of resource consumed but the capacity of the instance where RDS is running. Is there any way to achieve this?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi - Not sure what the use case is but you can try the following combination to get what you need.

  1. describe-db-instances - this will provide "DBInstanceClass"
  2. describe-instance-types - this will provide details on "DefaultVCpus", "MemoryInfo" which will be "SizeInMiB". You may have to remove "db." before making call e.g. aws ec2 describe-instance-types --instance-types r6i.12xlarge
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Hi - Yeah It surely worked, Thanks for the answer :), But the operating system still I'm not sure on which type of OS platform an rds instance is created. I have a use case to consider OS(like on which platform DB is installed). Can we consider it always getting created on the Linux platform? If yes, any idea if it's documented anywhere? Thanks in Advance!

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