AWS Support aws to disable MFA at bank card to retry a payment?


Today, I faced an issue with my AWS payment. I enrolled in the AWS Skill Builder annual plan, added my payment card (a Mastercard from the supported list), and it passed validation successfully. I can view the transactions in my app. However, when it came time for the actual payment after the trial period, my bank declined the transaction due to its fraud detection mechanism I can't retry payment myself, "Complete action" is disabled. I've contacted support, they were not able to retry payment because of enabled MFA and suggested to diable MFA at my bank So currently I'm in situation when bank support can't disable MFA, AWS support can't retry payment becase of enabled MFA and I have no clue where to find card without MFA. And I have a message that my account will be suspended in 5-7 days... So I have a working, active card with sufficient funds, along with an MFA device, and I'm eager to proceed with the payment. Do you have any suggestions for what steps I can take in this current situation?

asked 7 months ago198 views
1 Answer


I don't think AWS can disable MFA for credit cards.
Therefore, it may be a good idea to open a new credit card.

I recommend that you contact AWS Support by opening a case under "Account and billing".
AWS Support may be able to suggest alternative payment methods.

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answered 7 months ago

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