EBS-backed AMI Lifecycle Management Policy doesn't copy tags for volumes to snapshot


Using EBS-backed AMI policy which uses Instance as a source to create AMI. With the copy source tags option selected, the AMI created has all the instance tags. The volumes attached to the instances create a snapshot. These snapshots do not carry any tags over from volumes.

asked 8 months ago296 views
1 Answer


Judging by the explanation in the document below, I think that tags are only copied to AMIs obtained by the lifecycle policy.

To copy all of the user-defined tags from the source instance to the AMIs created by the schedule, select Copy tags from source.


With "EBS snapshot policy", it is possible to tag snapshots.

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • With just "EBS-policy" the copy source tags will carry over the tags to snapshots. With EBS-backed-AMI life cycle policy, the volumes attached to the source instance create a snapshot. Even with copy from source option selected, the volume tags are not copied to corresponding snapshots. How can I use EBS-backed AMI policy to copy Instance and attached Volume tags to the AMI and snapshots created?

  • How can I use EBS-backed AMI policy to copy Instance and attached Volume tags to the AMI and snapshots created?

    The "Copy tags from source" option in the EBS-backed AMI policy is an option that copies tags to the AMI, so I don't think it will be set in the snapshot created with the AMI. If you really want to set a tag on a snapshot, I think you would need a script to create a Lambda or something and set the tag on the snapshot when the AMI is created.

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