Does the Application Discovery Agent collect information about UDP sockets?


Hi there,

I am working on a migration assessment and have been running the Application Discovery Service agent for 1 month. I fail to see existing network traffic on UDP ports. Is the ADS agent not collecting information about UDP sockets? I tried Athena queries and the network visualization tools, no UDP traffic is seen, either inbound or outbound.

Kind regards, Matthieu

asked 8 months ago216 views
2 Answers

Hi Matthieu,

The AWS Application Discovery Agent primarily focuses on collecting information about TCP connections, including details such as listening ports, established connections, and connection states. UDP traffic is not typically included in the data collected by the ADS.

The ADS is designed to capture information related to the communication patterns and dependencies of applications running in your on-premises or virtualized environment. While it is effective in providing insights into TCP-based communication, it may not cover UDP traffic.

If your assessment requires visibility into UDP traffic, you might need to consider alternative methods or tools that specifically focus on UDP monitoring. Some network monitoring tools and packet capture solutions are more suitable for analyzing UDP traffic patterns, including inbound and outbound UDP connections.

Here are a few suggestions:

Packet Capture Tools:
    Use packet capture tools like Wireshark or tcpdump to capture and analyze network traffic at the packet level. These tools can provide detailed information about both TCP and UDP traffic.

Network Flow Analysis Tools:
    Consider network flow analysis tools that can provide insights into network traffic patterns, including UDP flows. These tools aggregate and analyze flow data to give you a comprehensive view of communication patterns.

Custom UDP Monitoring Solutions:
    Depending on your specific requirements, you might need to implement custom solutions or scripts to monitor UDP traffic on your network. This could involve capturing and analyzing logs or utilizing specific network monitoring APIs.

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answered 8 months ago

Short answer: no. Thanks !

answered 8 months ago

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