There’s piracy of NBA AND NFL games being live streamed on the Amazon cloud front


Cloud front with more than 20 million views per month alongside child exploitations and it’s all being completely ignored since November 2021 and AWS has control over everything on the cloud front so why wouldn’t they remove that??? AWS even deleted one of my cases regarding this 9494299111

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

It's important that we (AWS) ensure that resources are used in legal ways. However, this forum isn't the right place to report that. Please use our AWS abuse form for this. You can read details about what is illegal/abusive content here:

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 6 months ago
  • I have done that and made a compliance report and brought it to their attention since November and it’s completely ignored. AWS deleted my case regarding it (9494299111)


Also amazon Trust and safety team lied about having ever received any reports of that nature when they have multiple times prior when I emailed them asking why they lied ignore me so yes they are fully aware

answered 2 years ago

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