Setting up Own MQTT broker (using Mosquitto) - not authorized to perform: iot:CreatePolicy


I am setting own mqtt broker using aws workshop:

In script execution step getting errors:

  1. not authorized to perform: iot:CreatePolicy
  2. not authorized to perform: iot:CreateKeysAndCertificate

User account having all below access permissions: IAMFullAccess AmazonS3FullAccess AWSIoTFullAccess AWSGreengrassFullAccess GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRoleAcess AdministratorAccess

I am trying to resolve this couple of days, but not yet succeeded . It very urgent need resolve for current project

1 Answer

The aws credentials you are running with don't have access to the given actions. Please configure you CLI -

answered 2 years ago
  • @sushantAtAWS it is already configured on AWS CLI

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