How can I upgrade to JupyterLab 4?



I've tried upgrading an existing SageMaker Notebook instance to JupyterLab 4, but have not been successful. The packages have been installed but the Notebook still launches in 3.6.1. Has anyone successfully upgraded? If not, do we know when AWS may start supporting JupyterLab 4?

Thanks, Ian

  • SageMaker notebooks don't support JL4 yet.

asked 9 months ago352 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Ian,

Unfortunately, SageMaker Notebook Instances do not yet support JupyterLab version 4. Here is a link to the latest documentation on JupyterLab versioning. No official launch date is available at the moment.

Hope this helps,

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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