Redshift Serverless - unable to create a database - ERROR: permission denied to create database


I have troubles creating a database in Redshift Serverless. I created a namespace and workgroup, opened query editor, selected create -> database, entered my serverless workgroup and the name. Once I press create I see a modal window with an error

ERROR: permission denied to create database; [SQL State=null] [ErrorId: ...]

How to understand which permissions are missing? I use admin user for that account.

asked 3 months ago404 views
1 Answer

Hi Sergey,

Please go through below steps it will help to resolve your issue.

Check IAM Role Permissions:

  • Go to the AWS Management Console.
  • Navigate to the IAM service.
  • Select the IAM role associated with your Redshift workgroup.
  • Ensure it has policies like AmazonRedshiftFullAccess or custom policies that include permissions for redshift-serverless:*.

Verify Redshift User Privileges:

  • Connect to your Redshift cluster using any SQL client.
  • Run the following SQL command to check the permissions of the admin user:
SELECT * FROM pg_user_info WHERE usename = 'your_admin_username';

  • Ensure that the admin user has the necessary privileges.

Create Database via SQL Command: Instead of using the UI, try creating the database using an SQL command

CREATE DATABASE your_database_name;
  • If this still results in a permissions error, it indicates that the admin user lacks the necessary permissions.

Check AWS Redshift Serverless Documentation:

Refer to the below official AWS documentation for Redshift Serverless to ensure there are no additional steps or configurations required for your setup.

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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