manually trigger cross-account replication


I was reading the documentation, it says that the replication triggered as soon as the image is uploaded. In our pipeline i am uploading the images in one account at earlier stage, then doing tests and in later stage uploading to other aws account. How to manually call some aws cli command at later stage to start replication , instead of replication at earlier stage ?

asked a year ago506 views
1 Answer

Hi, I think this si the solution that you would need to implement:

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) can replicate all container images in an image repository across Amazon Web Services (AWS) Regions and AWS accounts natively, by using the cross-Region and cross-account replication features. (For more information, see the AWS blog post Cross region replication in Amazon ECR has landed.) However, there is no way to filter the images that are copied across AWS Regions or accounts based on any criteria. This pattern describes how to replicate container images that are stored in Amazon ECR across AWS accounts and Regions, based on image tag patterns. The pattern uses Amazon CloudWatch Events to listen for push events for images that have a predefined, custom tag. A push event starts an AWS CodeBuild project and passes the image details to it. The CodeBuild project copies the images from the source Amazon ECR registry to the destination registry based on the details provided. This pattern copies images that have specific tags across accounts. For example, you can use this pattern to copy only production-ready, secure images to the production AWS account. In the development account, after images are thoroughly tested, you can add a predefined tag to the secure images and use the steps in this pattern to copy the marked images to the production account.

answered a year ago

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