AWS Glue job push events to event bridge


I have a AWS Glue workflow which is triggered when a file gets dropped into a s3 bucket thru evenbridge rule . Inside this Glue workflow I have setup a Glue trigger to trigger a ETL job. I have written the job in pyspark to read the file from s3 bucket and extract data . I would like for the job to push an event to an eventbridge after reading extracting each transaction from the file. Note: IAM policies and Resource Policies are created using Terraform script. Is it possible to accomplish this using boto3 sdk?

asked 3 months ago224 views
1 Answer


Your question is quite similar to this question before. You should be able to use boto3 to call the necessary eventbridge APIs using the approach suggested.

Hope this is helpful!

Thanks, Rama

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

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