Exceeded the maximum number of virtual interfaces


I have an existing virtual interface connected to direct connect connection. While I try to create a new virtual interface, I am getting this error

"Exceeded the maximum number of virtual interfaces on [Connection_ID]. The limit is 1" How do I increase this limit ?

It is very strange because this is what I see it in the documentation "You can create 50 VIFs per Direct Connect connection, allowing you to connect to a maximum of 50 VPCs (one VIF provides connectivity to one VPC). There is one BGP peering per VPC."

asked 2 years ago1K views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Are you using hosted connection? The limit you specify (50 VIFs) is for the Dedicated connection. Private, public, or transit virtual interfaces per AWS Direct Connect hosted connection limit is 1.


You can think of using a Transit VIF, along with DirectConnect Gateway it will give you ability to connect multiple VPCs.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

This error "Exceeded the maximum number of virtual interfaces on [Connection_ID]. The limit is 1" comes in case of a hosted connection limit. While dedicated connection does have the limit of 51(50 <Public +Priavte> +1 transit)

hosted DX connection i.e the connection is created on your behalf by an APN partner, you are limited to one VIF on the connection [private, public or transit.]. This is why you are unable to create a second VIF.

Please see more on DX limits here [1]

To create another VIF, you would need to create the VIF on a different DX connection i.e either a hosted connection that does not have any existing VIFs or a dedicated connection which can take up to 50 VIFs.

[1] AWS Direct Connect quotas - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directconnect/latest/UserGuide/limits.html

answered 2 years ago

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