AWS Glue - Sudden "AccessDeniedException: Account ********* is denied access."


Hello AWS Support and Forum, for some unknown reason AWS Glue stopped working on all my accounts. I've tried different regions and I still get the same 'AccessDeniedException: Account ... is denied access.' error. The pipelines were working well last night but today nothing seems to be working(crawlers, notebooks...). I've checked for Glue service downtime and every region is green. Can someone help.

asked a year ago333 views
1 Answer

Update: The Glue Service randomly came online for a few minutes had two successful runs and then did the same thing. I had changed no settings. There's no info on downtime, planned maintenance or response from support.

answered a year ago
  • Sorry to hear that, that sounds as if your account was automatically flagged as fraudulent for some reason, hopefully support can provide you an explanation.

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