WorkMail - Sending as alias via Outlook Desktop Client


Good day!

When I send an email using Outlook Windows Client (Version 2108 - 64-bit) as an alias, the email is sent out and received by the recipient, but it is delivered (or resolved) with the main address. Even the group workaround for Thunderbird doesn't work in Outlook. Sending as an alias without any issues seems to work only with the WorkMail Web client. Shouldn't it be possible to send as an alias with Outlook Desktop Client as well?

asked 21 days ago50 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


Sending using Alias is fully supported using Windows Outlook or the WorkMail WebMail client. When receiving mail in WorkMail sent using an alias, the from is resolved to the primary email address. The same applies to sending mail to a alias, the alias will be resolved to the primary email address.

External recipients will correctly see the originally used alias. In WorkMail the alias is still available in the message headers.

Kind regards, Robin

answered 19 days ago


External recipients will see the original alias if I send the mail via the WorkMail Web client or Thunderbird with a group workaround (each alias is dedicated to one group with me as a member and 'send as' rights). However, if I send a mail via Outlook, no matter what, it will be delivered with the main address regardless of the recipient's client (I tested 3). Same with Thunderbird if I don't use the group workaround.

answered 18 days ago
  • How did you configure Outlook? You need to use autodiscover to configure Windows Outlook on the correct protocol for the send as alias to work. It will not work via IMAP/SMTP.

    Kind regards, Robin

  • Autodiscover will automatically connect the mailbox to Microsoft Exchange, which I don't want. Therefore, I use the recommended IMAP/SMTP settings ( Do you think that's the problem? How can I use Autodiscover without connecting the mailbox to Microsoft Exchange then? Kind regards, Carlo

  • Yes, you will need to create a profile connected to "Microsoft Exchange", it should correctly connect to WorkMail using the "Exchange" protocol when using autodiscover. Do note this only works for the full desktop Outlook client, not the "New Outlook" client Webapp. The later does not support the old Exchange protocols.

    Kind regards, Robin


Hello telemetric,

Currently, Amazon WorkMail does not fully support sending emails from an alias using the Outlook Desktop Client. Even if the alias is set up, emails are often sent from the primary address. This is a known limitation, regardless of whether the account is configured via Exchange or IMAP/SMTP. For a better experience with aliases, it's recommended to use the WorkMail web client. More information can be found in the Amazon WorkMail FAQs.

Hope this helps.

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answered 20 days ago
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reviewed 19 days ago
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reviewed 20 days ago
  • Please review Robin's answer below

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