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Yes, it is possible to point your domain to Route 53 name servers for testing DNS records without fully migrating your domain from GoDaddy. This approach allows you to verify your DNS configuration in Route 53 before making the complete switch. Here's how you can do it:
Create a hosted zone in Route 53 for your domain (which you've already done for "trulab.com").
Set up all the necessary DNS records in this Route 53 hosted zone to match your current configuration.
Obtain the Route 53 name servers assigned to your hosted zone. You can find these in the Route 53 console under the hosted zone details.
Instead of updating the domain's name servers at the registrar level (GoDaddy in this case), you can test the Route 53 configuration by modifying your local machine's DNS settings or by using online DNS lookup tools that allow you to specify custom name servers.
For local testing, you can edit your computer's hosts file to point specific domain names to the IP addresses specified in your Route 53 records. This allows you to test the new configuration without affecting other users.
Use online DNS propagation checking tools that allow you to query specific name servers. This way, you can check how your domain would resolve using Route 53 name servers without changing the actual domain configuration at GoDaddy.
Once you're satisfied with the testing and confident that everything is working correctly with the Route 53 configuration, you can proceed with updating the name servers at GoDaddy to point to Route 53.
This method allows you to thoroughly test your DNS records using Route 53 while keeping your existing DNS configuration intact for other users. It's a safe way to ensure everything is set up correctly before making the full migration.
Using Amazon Route 53 as the DNS service for subdomains without migrating the parent domain - Amazon Route 53
Migrating DNS service for a subdomain to Amazon Route 53 without migrating the parent domain - Amazon Route 53
Making Amazon Route 53 the DNS service for an existing domain - Amazon Route 53
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Thank you for your time and help with my questions and for the links to other articles!
Regarding item #4:
"... or by using online DNS lookup tools that allow you to specify custom name servers."
We were able to successfully test your suggestion, thank you!
We downloaded an older version of dig (ie for windows machines), "BIND9.16.48.x64.zip" from
https://github.com/trinib/AdGuard-WireGuard-Unbound-DNScrypt/wiki/Install-Dig-&-WSL BIND9 version 9.16.x and its tools(dig tool) is the last* branch of development with native support for Windows.
Using AWS name servers for our hosted zone. AWS Name servers: ns-1069.awsdns-05.org ns-361.awsdns-45.com ns-1777.awsdns-30.co.uk ns-902.awsdns-48.net
We wrote a script to test each of our DNS records using AWS name server, below is a an example of testing (1) record. dig @ns-361.awsdns-45.com aaur.trulab.com
You can add them all to a file and point dig at it and pipe the results to a log file: @ns-361.awsdns-45.com aaur.trulab.com @ns-361.awsdns-45.com acgn.trulab.com ... etc
dig @ns-361.awsdns-45.com +short aaur.trulab.com >> C:\Users\dclad\OneDrive\Desktop\TruLab\AWS\Route53\bind\log.txt
dig -f C:\Users\dclad\OneDrive\Desktop\TruLab\AWS\Route53\bind\trulab_r53_ns.txt >> C:\Users\dclad\log.txt