Scheduling local lambda function


I have an application in which there is a Raspberry Pi as Greengrass Core and multiple ESP32 as Devices and together they form a Greengrass Group. Now, I want to have a local shadow update to a specific Device at a specific time. I implemented scheduling of lambda function with cloudwatch triggers and cron jobs but this will not work if the internet is down.

I was thinking of using cron tool ( for Unix systems to schedule a local lambda function which publishes the desired MQTT message to local shadow service.

Is there any way to accomplish this?

asked 4 years ago443 views
2 Answers

Hi PegasusAutoma,

Thanks for your question.
Unfortunately there isn't a way to schedule a local lambda function.
You would have to use a pinned lambda and then refactor your function code to handle the scheduling for you.
Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.


answered 4 years ago

Hello navya-aws,

Thanks for the clarification. I'll try pinned lambda function as workaround for this as of now.

answered 4 years ago

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