Step fails when it is Poll action status for completion. Script execution times out. Please refer to Automation Service Troubleshooting Guide for more diagnosis details.


I want to start SSM Automation Document, This document copies s3 bucket objects to another s3 bucket but it takes 1 hour. After 15 minutes I received this message: "Step fails when it is Poll action status for completion. Script execution times out. Please refer to Automation Service Troubleshooting Guide for more diagnosis details.". I use "timeoutSeconds: 30000" but it doesn't help. Also I use "timeoutSeconds: 300000" with isCritical: false and maxAttempts: 3 etc. (with different parameters)

1 Answer


I understand that you are currently facing an error regarding execution timing out - "Step fails when it is Poll action status for completion. Script execution times out. Please refer to Automation Service Troubleshooting Guide for more diagnosis details."

Firstly, I would like to mention that a Step Execution ID here can help us deep dive into the issue. However, please note that AWS rePost is a public platform, and hence one shouldn't be sharing any account related/sensitive information in here. Hence, can you please create a support case instead so that our premium support team can discuss details on your resource configurations?

Secondly, that error along with mention of timeoutSeconds parameter seems to hint at use of aws:executeScript. Please note that each aws:executeScript action can run up to a maximum duration of 600 seconds (ten minutes). You can limit the timeout by specifying the timeoutSeconds parameter for an aws:executeScript step. [1]

Finally, the gist here is that the max duration is 600 sec, and hence you cant increase it to more than 10 minutes. Hence, increasing it to 3600 or 30000 as example values is not possible.

I hope the above shared information is insightful. If you need assistance with further troubleshooting, please open a support case and we'll be glad to assist!



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answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you a lot!

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