Recover wordpress version


Hello, We have a wordpress instance hosted on AWS Lightsail. Our website crashed about 10 hours ago due to unknown reason. I have disabled all plugins but the following: wp-file-manager-pro wp-mail-smtp wpvivid-backuprestore

The website went back live, but we have lost mamy of our changes from the last few days. We have looked for a backup version and couldn't find one. Does anybody know if there's a way to restore it to its latest version before the crash? Pasting here the instance's info in case it's relevant:

WordPress-1 Info Delete Reboot Stop 512 MB RAM, 2 vCPUs, 20 GB SSD

WordPress Access WordPress Admin AWS Region Virginia, Zone A (us-east-1a) Networking type Dual-stack

<redacted network info>

Instance status Running

  • Hi, I removed some details from your post that you likely do not want to share on this public forum.

asked 9 days ago28 views
1 Answer


Here's a few ideas you could try:

  1. If you enabled auto backups with Lightsail, you could try creating a new instance from an auto backup created from a few days ago.

  2. You mention still having wpvivid-backuprestore plugin enabled. Did you attempt to run a restore with the plug in?

  3. If you have configured auto backups for the database on the host, you could try to restore the in-host database.

answered 8 days ago
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reviewed 5 days ago

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