How compute saving plan going to be adjusted?


I am very much confused in terms of how saving plan going to be adjusted between those instances? As an example, if we purchased 4 instances, each instance would cost $5 per hour and a saving plan would cost $4, so we purchased a compute saving plan by committing $13 per hour How this saving plan will be adjusted between those instances? Since 3 instances would consume $12 how $1 going to be adjusted? because we have purchased Rs.13 per hour saving plan?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Thanks for the detailed description.

Assuming that,

4 instances = 4 units
On-Demand rate = $5
Compute Savings Plans rate = $4

$13 commitment covers 3.25 units ($13/$4), and the remaining 0.75 unit will be charged at On-Demand rate $5. Here is a similar scenario for your reference:

As a side note, if instance types are mixed, Savings Plans apply to the usage starting with the highest discount percentage.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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