Is it possible to connect to Azure AD from AWS Directory Service - AD Connector


The documentation mentions about connecting to On-Premise AD, is it possible to connect AWS Directory Services - AD Connector with Azure AD? If we can, then the Windows server in the EC2 instances can be joined to the specific domain in Azure AD?

Thanks, Rajan

asked a year ago2086 views
1 Answer

Yes, while the documentation primarily mentions connecting AWS Directory Services - AD Connector to an On-Premise AD, it is indeed possible to establish a connection between AWS Directory Services - AD Connector and Azure AD. Once a connection is established, it is feasible for Windows servers on EC2 instances to join a specific domain within Azure AD.

answered a year ago
  • Would be nice to reference an official guide or tutorial

  • do you know how exactly? i am installing one application on AWS env and it has LDAP feature can use this method to connect my Azure AD with LDAP to this Application?

  • do you know how exactly? i am installing one application on AWS env and it has LDAP feature can use this method to connect my Azure AD with LDAP to this Application?

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