Error: WAFUnavailableEntityException


I currently have some LBs associated with WAF Classic ,I'm trying to upgrade to WAFv2 by associating the LBs to WAFv2. When I attempt to perform the association, i get this error message "Error: WAFUnavailableEntityException: AWS WAF couldn’t retrieve the resource that you requested. Retry your request." It's my understanding that whenever you try to associate a LBs currently associated with a web acl to another Web ACL ,it removed it from the previous Web acl association.

asked a year ago1015 views
1 Answer

The following document describes the error.

AWS WAF couldn’t retrieve a resource that you specified for this operation. If you've just created a resource that you're using in this operation, you might just need to wait a few minutes. It can take from a few seconds to a number of minutes for changes to propagate. Verify the resources that you are specifying in your request parameters and then retry the operation.

In my experience, I have also experienced errors when trying to tie to ALBs when creating Web ACLs.
Try to run it after some time or try to set it in the ALB after creating the Web ACL.

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answered a year ago

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