Error When Installing session-manager-plugin In Ubuntu Container Running On Mac/Docker/Colima


I have a MacBook Pro (M1 chip) running docker/colima and I have created an Ubuntu 22.04 container and am trying to install session-manager-plugin using the aws docs instructions at:-

When I run the dpkg command, I get:-

dpkg: error processing archive session-manager-plugin.deb (--install): package architecture (amd64) does not match system (arm64) Errors were encountered while processing: session-manager-plugin.deb

I have googled this a bit so I have tried a couple of things:-

  • using a dpkg cmd to add the amd64 architecture, but this only got the installation one bit further to a dependency error about libc so I thought this was probably not the right way to do it
  • spinning up an amd64 version of the ubuntu image which allowed the plugin to install correctly, but the container overall was very unstable and kept disconnecting or crashing which I understand is due to the general issue of running amd64 images on apple silicon and is advised to be avoided

So I am not sure what the best way of doing this is as I am not very well versed in the different architectures, but it does seem to me that I should revert back to running the arm64 Ubuntu image and try to get session-manager-plugin to install correctly on that. I did try the mac arm64 install which completed without error, but running it resulted in the "Exec format error" response which I think you usually get when trying to run something built on a different architecture.

Does anyone know how I can install the plugin on this environment?

asked 3 months ago186 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Ignore this question, I have literally just noticed there are multiple tabs on the aws docs page for downloading the package and one of them is for arm64 which installed just fine :)

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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