Quota increase for "VPCs per Region" Exceeded Resource Limit -- How to Lower my Quota?


I recently requested a quota increase for my VPCs per Region, but it seems that my request exceeded the resource limits. As a result, I wasn't able to create the cluster I needed to. Here is the error message:

Cluster creation failed due to a client error: Cluster creation was cancelled because it will fail from exceeding resources limits. These are the minimum limits for resources required to successfully create your cluster:
132.0 TiB EBS gp2, service code: ebs, quota code: L-D18FCD1D

How can I lower my quota, so that I can successfully create a cluster? Thank you!

1 Answer

As I'm reading it, the error isn't saying the quota is too high. It sounds like the EBS volume being requested is above what you amazon account is allowed. Make sure your values and units are correct.

Did the quota increase go through completely, meaning it was applied fully? I'll also mention that many service quota increases are regionally based. So an increase for VPCs allowed in us-west-2 will not increase the number of VPCs allowed in eu-west-1. I would also double check the quota increase was in the correct region and has been successfully processed.

answered 2 years ago

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