Mobile Number Calling


Hi Team,

I know Amazon Connect is not a PBX Solution but is there any smarts in transferring the call directly to a mobile number from the IVR and as well keeping the recording and transcript in Amazon Connect. Any help would be appreciated

Cheers Sam

asked a year ago225 views
1 Answer

Start media streaming block offers the capability to capture audio played to customer. You can use this block before transferring contact externally to capture audio from mobile number and generate recordings.

Features in contact lens are only enabled when using the Set recording and analytics behavior block and this works when the customer is connected to an agent. For your use-case, you can try Amazon Transcribe to generate transcripts of the recordings. Example implementation.

If keeping the data into Amazon Connect is a requirement, you will face issues importing the recording into Amazon Connect as there is currently no API to update CTR Recordings and Transcripts attributes.

answered a year ago

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