amazon-sagemaker-examples failing in Studio - aibotocore and botocore version mismatch??


Looking for some help with executing these interesting-looking samples. I've setup a SageMaker Studio Jupyter space in us-east-1 and followed the instructions to clone the amazon-sagemaker-examples repo. After cloning, I ran the xgboost_customer_churn_studio.ipynb notebook, which seems to be the most basic notebook - it is found here:

The error from the first cell is: aiobotocore 2.7.0 requires botocore<1.31.65,>=1.31.16, but you have botocore 1.34.58 which is incompatible.

Indeed, when I opened a terminal I located this exact botocore version under ~/.../site-packages. This error causes downstream cells to fail also.

This appears to be the most basic execution i can do with these samples and it still fails. I've tried a few workarounds - e.g. creating a new venv - but I haven't had success. I want to run alot of these so I'm hoping to get redirected by an expert - or just lmk if these samples not ready for the newer Studio environment yet?

asked a year ago248 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I got no response on this after a couple of weeks. I recommend just running these in Notebook Instances

answered a year ago

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