CloudWatch Dashboard: Is there a way to create a link to a specific Text widget?


I've got a CloudWatch Dashboard with several widgets on it. I'm currently using Text widgets to define "sections" of the dashboard. I would like to create a hyperlink to a specific Text widget. Is that possible?

If I create a Text widget with the following markup:

# Registrations results in the following HTML:

<div class="cwdb-text-container-content">
    <h1 id="registrations">Registrations</h1>

Ordinarily I would expect to be able to append #registrations to the end of the URL and the browser would scroll me to the corresponding HTML element with that id. Unfortunately, I see that the URL for my specific dashboard already has a #-fragment in the URL (presumably used by the client-side JavaScript app). I've tried adding #registrations to different part of the URL (along with appending ;id=registrations) and nothing seems to work.

Got any suggestions?

asked 2 years ago166 views
1 Answer
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Custom CloudWatch Dashboard Navigation</title>
        .section {
            margin: 50px 0;
    <div id="dashboard">
        <h1 id="registrations" class="section">Registrations</h1>
        <p>Details about registrations...</p>
        <h1 id="metrics" class="section">Metrics</h1>
        <p>Details about metrics...</p>
        // Example script to navigate to a specific section based on URL fragment
        function navigateToSection() {
            const hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); // Remove the #
            const targetElement = document.getElementById(hash);
            if (targetElement) {
                targetElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });

        window.addEventListener('load', navigateToSection);

AWS Documentation and Resources:

  1. CloudWatch Dashboards User Guide:

  2. CloudWatch API Reference:

answered a month ago

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