policy access to CUR and Data Exports


I have a single account with a single IAM policy giving " * " access to cur and bcm-data-exports and their associated S3 bucket. When trying to access cur, I get an odd error noting "Unauthorized_User_Description_IAM_Enabled" which I can't find anywhere... When I move to the 'new' interface, I get more information, citing an explicit deny for each service (one error for cur and one for bcm-data-exports) - but I only have a single user, with a single policy. Organizations is not being used. The user account could access cur and run reports yesterday.

asked 8 months ago304 views
1 Answer


Will the same error occur even if you access it with an IAM user with the Administrator policy attached?
Also, in order to view billing-related information as an IAM user, the following document settings are required, but have you done so?
The settings in the following documents must be performed by the root user.

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answered 8 months ago

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