EC2 Status Check Fails


I have launched an EC2 instance of g4dn.2xlarge type using this AMI

It was working very well but the last time I tried to start the instance and connect with it using SSH, I only the following error:

ssh: connect to host ___ port 22: Connection timed out

Then I found that the status check fails with the instance reachability check failed error as shown in the following figure. instance reachability check failed error

I tried to look up a solution to this problem and I found those two posts:

And I tried to stop and start the instance and reboot it as mentioned in the previous links and waited for a day and tried again but with no luck.

After that, I tried to look into the system log of the instance and found the following issues:

  1. nvidia: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
  2. Failed to start apply_instance_tag_service AWS Helper Service. See 'systemctl status apply_instance_tag_service.service' for details. Unmounting RPC Pipe File System..

Is there any other way to fix this problem and be able to connect to the instance?

asked a year ago537 views
1 Answer

Based on the information you have shared, your instance might have booted in emergency mode. Reasons could be:

  1. A corrupted kernel.
  2. Auto-mount failures because of incorrect entries in the /etc/fstab.

You will need to launch the rescue instance and attach the current instance root volume into rescue instance to check and correct the /etc/fstab file. I would request you to follow the "Method 3: Manually edit the file using a rescue instance" mentioned in the following document to correct the entries in /etc/fstab.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for sharing this information. But the system log of the EC2 instance does not include any kernel panic or dependency failure errors. Are you sure this solution is suitable for my problem?

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