How to automatize NET 6 Lambda deployment?


I am developing NET 6 Lambda->RDS . Is there any way to deploy Lambda from GitHub -> AWS including AWS Gateway settings etc?

i.e. when not advanced user can click a button and Lambda will be built and deployed, Gateway settings added if not exists and so on

asked 2 years ago327 views
1 Answer


for Lambda you should look into AWS SAM:, which should fix the part about how to deploy Lambda functions.

Here is a guide about how to set it up with Github actions, as an example:

In regards about the part about the rest of the infrastructure (RDS/api gw, etc..) you should look into an Infrastructure as Code tool such as CDK, Terrraform or others.

Hope it helps and if it does I d appreciate the answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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answered 2 years ago
  • What I need to do:

    1. I have Github account, create a repository for my Lambda NET 6 project and upload it to the repository. Ok, should this repository be private or public? Should it have any special permissions?
    2. How and where in AWS to add reference to this project? how to build it and deploy?
    3. How and where can I add AWS Gateway settings in this deployment?
    4. Can end user use it after deployment?

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