Textract does not recognize image text


I want to get the text from an image but Textract doesn't read anything. I have tried with similar images and if it reads the information. Would you know what could be the problem for which it does not read the image? Textract Result Image

asked 2 years ago875 views
2 Answers

Sometimes in general while doing OCR (Optical Character Recognition) you need to pre-process the image, especially when you have some characters that not very defined.

In your case:

  1. I would crop the image to "focus" on the non-white part
  2. tilt the image in order to be as vertical as possible
  3. increase the contrast by 20-30%

Therefore, as you can see from my result, it recognize everything :)

You could use a Lambda or the SageMaker Processing Python job with OpenCV or similar product in order to pre-process the images. Usually this is a best practice in order to obtain better results. Please check this blog: https://aws.amazon.com/it/blogs/machine-learning/process-text-and-images-in-pdf-documents-with-amazon-textract/ or this notebook: https://github.com/aws-samples/textract-visual-removal/blob/main/visual_removal_canny_edge_detector.ipynb

Modified image

the output in Textract: Textract Tables output

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profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

For This use case Consider using Amazon Rekognition - > https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/dg/text-detection.html .

answered 2 years ago

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