Add Party to Call without Putting Other Parties on Hold - Amazon Connect


We have a requirement where we need to do a warm transfer or add other parties to an active call but we can't put the first caller on hold. It's a for mental health hotline so keeping the caller active on the call while we add other emergency services is critical. Is anyone aware of a way add a party to an active call without putting anyone on hold with Amazon Connect?


asked 2 years ago433 views
2 Answers

Connect does not support this natively, and to complete a conference then transfer, the 3rd leg of the call must pickup before additional steps can be taken like join all the legs together.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for your answer, Clarence. Is there a "non-native" to accomplish this? Because of the mental health-line use case, it may be unsafe to put the caller on hold while emergency services are contacted. When a conference call being initiated, it also puts the caller on hold, I believe.


You can use a transfer flow to conference before dialing the number - note this will still put the caller on hold while setting up the new call leg, but it's only 1-2 seconds, then the caller and agent can both hear the call being dialled.

  • Create a Transfer to queue flow
  • Add a Hold customer or agent block with status Conference all
  • Add a Transfer to phone number block with the number you want to conference in
  • Publish the flow
  • Create a quick connect for a queue (doesn't matter which one), selecting the new flow
  • Add the quick connect to the relevant queue(s) so it appears for the agent

Since you mentioned emergency services, note that there are some limitations called out in the AWS service terms - see section 54.2 under

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks for this lukwarne! I learned something new today :)

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