Supporting Glue testing data connection for MongoDB


When I test Glue data connection in the new console, I can test the connection for JDBC connection type, but when I want to test the connection with MongoDB type, the Test connection button is disabled. So can you tell about the support of Glue data connection testing of MongoDB connection type up to now or for the time ahead? Or is there any mistakes in my connection setting so I can't test it? Thanks in advance.

asked a year ago670 views
1 Answer

You can create a connection for MongoDB and then use that connection in your AWS Glue job. The connection url, username and password are stored in the MongoDB connection. Other options can be specified in your ETL job script using the additionalOptions parameter of glueContext.getCatalogSource. Reference :

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your answer. I can create the connection with MongoDB but when I want to test the connection, the Test connection is dimmed and I can't click on it to test my connection. When I test the other types of connection such as JDBC, it works. So I wonder whether AWS support testing with MongoDB data connection type or not.

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