Amazon Redshift cluster snapshot stuck in Creating state


Hi team, Our Amazon Redshift cluster "astro-providers-cluster" in the Ohio region is stuck in the "Modifying" state and I see its snapshot "astro-providers-cluster-snapshot" is stuck in the "Creating" state. I am not allowed to delete the snapshot or the cluster as it's not in one of the terminal states. Attaching the snapshots. Can you please check what's happening here? Will this affect our billing as the cluster will stay on and we don't have permission to delete it? Appreciate quick support on this, please

  • Same problem here, but with Redshift Serverless, its snapshot is stuck in "Creating State". In this stuck state, it is impossible to delete the snapshot, cluster and namespace.

asked a year ago473 views
3 Answers

Hi - Thanks for reaching out. I would recommend to open a support ticket for this if possible so that they can check logs etc.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Yes, I tried creating one, but it says we do not have technical support on our account and it asked to reach out here. What is the best way for seeking help?


This issue is very specific to your account and cluster, so Support is your best plan of action.

AWS offers multiple support plans, the lowest being Developer, which is recommended if you are experimenting or testing in AWS, gives you unlimited cases with 1 primary contact, and case severity of System impaired with < 12 hours SLA. Although minimum recommended tier is Business, if you have production workloads in AWS.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

We are having the same issue since april, 20th. Cluster gets stuck for hours and hours until it becames available

answered a year ago

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