Unable to copy S3 object that have AMI from Seoul to Beijing? They are different account. And Seoul account don't have Beijing, and Beijing account don't have Seoul.


Unable to copy AMI from Seoul to Beijing,China? The process for copying an S3 object across partitions is outside the scope of this documentation. Where is this documentation? How to Download the object from the source bucket to an intermediate host such as an EC2 instance? My account of main commercial partition in Seoul don't have the China partition where Beijing is located, and My account of main commercial partition in Beijing don't have the Seoul partition. How to do? Please help me to send me all the application. Thank you very much.

1 Answer

In the EC2 User Guide[1], we provide links to documentation as examples[2,3], but you must use the copy process that meets your security requirements.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards, Marilyn AWS

[1] - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ami-store-restore.html#copy-to-partition
[2] - To copy one AMI across partitions, the copy process could be as straightforward as the following: Download the object from the source bucket to an intermediate host (for example, an EC2 instance or a laptop), and then upload the object from the intermediate host to the target bucket. For each stage of the process, use the AWS credentials for the partition. -- Please access the link at [1] and then find this note to access the links for the additional documentation.
[3] - For more sustained usage, consider developing an application that manages the copies, potentially using S3 multipart downloads and uploads. -- Please access the link at [1] and then find this note to access the links for the additional documentation.

answered 2 years ago

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