Fresh created Windows AMI contains Password from source image


I created a Windows AMI with Desktop Experience, with our software pre installed. After creating a new EC2 from this instance I tried to connect to this new instance. On the RDP Client tab I clicked on "Get Password" the answer I got is:

Password is not available. Please wait at least 4 minutes after launching an instance before trying to retrieve the auto-generated password

After 10 Minutes getting this message, i tried to use the password from the source AMI and I get confused because this password works. I think this is a nogo for the Marketplace. Why the created AMI is using the password from source AMI?

asked 2 months ago34 views
1 Answer

The issue you're experiencing with Windows AMIs retaining the source password when launching new instances is likely due to not using Sysprep properly during the creation of the AMI. Sysprep (System Preparation Tool) is essential for generalizing a Windows instance to create a reusable AMI. When you prepare an instance for imaging without Sysprep, the instance may retain its settings, including passwords, which can lead to inconsistencies when you launch new instances from that image.

For a clean and reusable Windows AMI, it is important to follow the correct process of running Sysprep with EC2Config or EC2Launch (depending on your Windows version). Sysprep prepares the instance by removing unique settings, such as the administrator password, and ensures that each new instance generated from the AMI gets a unique password.

You can check on this re:Post : How can I use Sysprep to create and install custom reusable Windows AMIs?

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answered 2 months ago

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