Traffic Mirroring not working on different VPCs


I need to mirror the traffic of an instance from an account (Source Account) to another AWS account (Target Account). The target Traffic Mirror (TM) is working well when the source is within the same VPC. However, I can't see the VXLAN traffic on my target TM when my source is in different VPC (Source Account).

I've already shared the target TM on the Source Account and used that target TM as my target on the session with the ENI of my source instance as the source. But I still can't see the VXLAN traffic on my target TM

  • The source TM has supported EC2 instance -- T3
  • The source TM has traffic allowed on port 4789/UDP as I already also tried mirroring the traffic of this source TM to a test target TM within the same VPC and was successful
  • I also have tried using the target TM within its same VPC and it is working.
  • The source TM VPC can reach the other VPC through transit gateway. I also had a successful result on Reachability Analyzer (from source to target 4789/UDP) and I can ping the destination from the source and vice versa

Any suggestion on anything else I missed or further checking I should do?

Thank you

asked 2 years ago448 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Everything appears to be correct here. If it works on an instance in the Source VPC but doesn't in the Target VPC and Reachability Analyzer says it's reachable then it is (most probably) a configuration issue on the target instance.

You could try taking a snapshot of the working instance; share it with the target account and launch it in the Target VPC.

Finally, if nothing works I'd suggest getting in touch with our support team who can troubleshoot further.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

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