Can't migrate Wordpress website built on local host to my lightsail domain


I have a 680mb website built out on a localhost server. Wordpress says my hosting service aws only allows for 80mb uploads. I have changed all of the correct Wordpress files to allow a 2gb migration. Does anyone know what I need to do or who I need to contact to raise my upload size with aws. I am currently using the 10 dollar a month 2cpu 60gb storage plan. Does a higher plan raise my upload size or should I get a support plan and contact them?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I did a little research, and it seems that you can change the upload size if you can make changes as shown in the document below.
Please restart the web server etc. after changing the settings.

After modifying "/opt/bitnami/php/etc/php.ini" in my environment, I was able to confirm that the limit could be changed to 2GB.

post_max_size = 2G
upload_max_filesize = 2G

After changing the settings, restart with the following command.

sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart


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answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed a year ago

Thank you. Restarting solved the issue. Ive been stuck for hours trying to figure out the problem.

answered a year ago

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