Outbound call using Amazon Connect

  • I have created AWS Lambda function for Outbound call. so that I have create a Contact flow[inbound] in Amazon Connect. I am following below Amazon Document [Scenario 3] to achieve the functionality. [https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/contact-center/automating-outbound-calling-to-customers-using-amazon-connect/](AWS Documentation for Outbound call)

  • Amazon Lambda function was running successfully but customer not able to get call. While I am checking live log[Set logging behavior was enable] in CloudWatch of my contact flow. not able to seen any logs.

  • Below is the reference image of AWS Lambda Functions AWS Lambda Function

  • Below is the reference image of AWS Lambda Configuration AWS Lambda Role Documents

  • Below is the reference image of AWS Connect Contact Flow Amazon Connect Contact Flow

Kindly help me out.

  • Hi, have you figured out a way to solve this?

2 Answers

Add Set Logging behavior block in your outbound contact flow which was created and then run the Lambda function. You can able to see the cloudwatch logs generated for the call.

Also, Check the response of the Lambda function where you will get the ContactId when the action is successful. With the contact ID, Kindly check in Contact Trace records where you can able to see the reason for disconnect.

[+] https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/connect-disconnected-caller-reason

Ensure the value of the contact flow Id and instance ID are correct. You can also try to run the following command from the AWS CLI to isolate any code issues:

$ aws connect start-outbound-voice-contact --region awsRegion --destination-phone-number phoneNumber --contact-flow-id contactFlowId --instance-id instanceId --source-phone-number instancePhoneNumber

[+] https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/connect-outbound-calls-api

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

1/ The blog you are referencing has been disabled, but I would like to understand what exactly are you trying to do? Have you tried running the API with the parameters in CLI? The failure will show there as soon as the call is attempted. 2/ What are you trying to do in the contact flow? Your call will make it there, but you are disconnecting it as soon as you set the recording behavior. The way an outbound call works when triggered via API is: Connect calls the destination number you specify in the "DestinationPhoneNumber" parameter passed to the API, it is only when the call is answered that the contact flow is invoked. So if the call never dials, you will never see the set logging behavior from the contact flow. Try this click to call blog, that shows you the use of the API, maybe this works better for you. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/contact-center/click-to-call-in-amazon-connect/

answered a year ago

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