Failed to start OPC-UA Connection for Source



Objective : I am working to collect the data from Kepware OPC server [ EC2-Windows] to IOT sitewise through Gateway & OPC UA source [ EC2-Linux]

As per the documentation, I deployed Gateway(v2) with OPCUA data source and status shows as In-Sync. But I didn't see the Latest data in data streams or assets-measurements area.


  1. I deleted all gateways, core device and deployed newly then also same issue.
  2. Error: component SiteWiseEdgeCollectorOpcua is logging this error when it starts: aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgeCollectorOpcua: stdout. [WARN ] 2024-01-17 09:10:33.290 [Thread-3] OpcUaManagedConnection - {"message":"Failed to start OPC-UA Connection for Source (EC2Kepware-Public): Failed to discover endpoint for OPC-UA server opc.tcp://<hostip>:49320. [ I tested with both Public & private IP ]


  1. whether following trust certificate step need to complete on OPC server end? If yes, I need your help because I cannot find any files in my EC2 instance folders to export
  2. Which IP (Public / private) to be use in Opc-UA server configuration in Sitewise Data source
  3. Any other steps or guidance for successful completion.

Let me know in case I need to provide more information. Thank you very much in advance for your support!

asked 8 months ago236 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Pawan. It seems to me that the error message you're reporting is not so likely if the status is "In sync". Maybe that error didn't occur at the same time as "In sync".

Is your Kepware OPC server in the same VPC and subnet as the SiteWise gateway? Perhaps you can tell us a little about your network architecture.

  1. I think Kepware OPC requires it, but you need to determine that. As for where to find the cert on the gateway, please retrace your steps. Have you found the sitewise-COLLECTOR-config.json file? If not, perhaps try sudo find / -name sitewise-COLLECTOR-config.json.
  2. It will depend on your network architecture.

By the way, you said in one of your other questions that you're following this blog: Please be aware that that blog is more than 4 years old and was written for Greengrass V1.

The SiteWise workshop might also be a valuable reference:

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thank you Greg. I found the issue on Network end and rectified..

  • Thank you Greg. I found the issue on Network end and rectified..

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