AWS Connect Access URL for the Private Link


Hi, Community

I have created a AWS Connect instance and got the access url .And I can visit it from the public Internet.

Is there any solution that can disable the public access url and just can visit that access url from the private Internet. I imagine when I create a AWS Connect instance, I can only access the url from the on-premise environment.(There is already direct connect between on-premise and aws cloud).

After searching the Documentation,  I got "The core Amazon Connect service does not support AWS PrivateLink or VPC endpoints."

It means the AWS Connect access url only support the access from the public Internet?

Thx a lot for your help.

asked a year ago507 views
1 Answer


I think Amazon Connect's VPC endpoint is for privately operating Amazon Connect's API.
That means I don't think it can be used to connect privately to an Amazon Connect instance.

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answered a year ago
  • Thx a lot for your answer. I just would like to find a solution how to hide the AWS Connect public access url. There are three identity management options for AWS Connect instances.

    1. Store users in Amazon Connect. Will create a Public Access Url:
    2. Link to an existing directory. Choose your own Directory. I will try to implement this way . Perhaps it can hide the public access URL.
    3. SAML 2.0-based authentication. Will create a Public Acess Url:

    I am just concerned that my customer doesn't want to expose their access URL to the public Internet even though there is an SSO option.

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